Come along and “Meet The Team” at Touchwood Solihull on Saturday 12th July 2025 from 10am to 4pm
Volunteer Vacancies
Solihull Borough Talking Newspaper , SBTNA, currently has the following Volunteer Vacancies available: Copying Team Support (once every 6 weeks, Saturday mornings) Assistant Distribution Officer (once every 2 weeks, Saturday mornings) Minutes Secretary (3 committee meetings per year Monday afternoons) If interested and wishing to know more please email giving your full name, email
The Queen’s Award – Buckingham Palace Garden Party
In 2020, SBTNA was honoured to receive the Queens Award for Voluntary Service. In addition to the award presentation ceremony, it’s traditional that two members of each recipient organisation are invited to attend a Royal garden party. Due to Covid of course, both of these events were delayed. The award ceremony happened in Birmingham in
Presentation of the Queen’s Award
On Sunday 17 October 2021, Chairman – Linda Edgcumbe and Team Leader- Peter Morris of our Association were honoured to attend a ceremony in Birmingham during which we – and many other fabulous volunteer groups – were presented with the Queen’s Award For Voluntary Service by Mr John Crabtree OBE, the Lord Lieutenant of the West
Press Release – Queen’s Award
Press Release – Solihull Borough Talking Newspaper Association (SBTNA) receives the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service 2020. SBTNA a group of volunteers based in Solihull have been honoured with the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, the highest award a voluntary group can receive in the UK. SBTNA is a charity that offers the freedom of
We’re on the Radio!
We’re on the Radio! At least Marion Canning and Derek Bush were. On 16th August 2018, the duo were invited by Nick Whitehouse of Solihull Radio to do a ‘PodCast’. This was a terrific free publicity opportunity which our SBTNA stalwarts seized with both their hands.